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Virtual poster session:


L. Abaroa Thermal and nonthermal emission from the extragalactic microquasar S26 1
V. Berta A4th-order accurate finite volume method for classical and relativistic MHD in the PLUTO code: application on relativistic jets 1
T. Bouchet High-energy emission in Microquasars 1
M. Carretero-Castrillo Searching for new gamma-ray binaries through runaway stars 1
L. Chantry Meridional self-similar models with volumic injection to models AGN : the injection prescription issue 1
A. Coimbra-Araujo High energy outflows from the coalescence of LIGO/Virgo/KAGRA binaries 1
E. Kefala The impact of the stellar wind on the non-thermal processes in gamma-ray binaries 1
V. Richard Romei Enhanced particle acceleration in a pulsar wind interacting with a companion 1
X. Zhang The phenomenology at high energies of fast moving pulsar wind nebulae 1
Y. Zhong Spindown of Pulsars Interacting with Companion Winds: Implications for the Double Pulsar PSR J0737-3039 1
C. Adams Gamma-Ray Propagation Signatures in AGN Spectra with VERITAS 2
A. Aguasca-Cabot GRB 221009A observations with LST-1 at VHE gamma rays 2
A. Ghosh Fermi & eROSITA bubbles: Relics of twin jetted bursts from Sgr A* 2
Gowri A Multi-pulse GRB prompt emission via a novel pulse-shape model 2
S. Gupta Can the Thermal Evolution of the Fireball alone explain the GRB 221206B? 2
Z.-Q. Huang Prospects for ultra-high-energy particle acceleration at relativistic shocks 2
A. Kuwata Synchrotron Polarization of Gamma-Ray Burst Afterglow Shocks with Hydrodynamic-scale Turbulent Magnetic Field 2
V. Loktev Magnetically-dominated plasma turbulence in the rapid synchrotron-cooling regime 2
A. Luashvili Modelling the variable emission states of gamma-ray emitting NLS1 galaxies 2
K. Obayashi A large-energy relativistic jet model for GRB 080710 producing bright achromatic afterglow 2
S. Tomita Particle-in-cell simulation of a relativistic shock propagating in an electron-proton-helium plasma 3
O. Wistemar Data analysis of a sample of Fermi GRBs with a model of radiation-mediated shocks 3
S. Acharya Impact of MHD instabilities on the non-thermal emission signatures of Blazar jets 3
A. Carvalho Accelerated cosmic rays' feedback on relativistic jets 3
A. Costa Simulations of unstable recollimation shocks 3
I. Demidov Radiatively driven evaporation from magnetar's surface 3
A. Granot Heavy ions transmutation induced by radiation-mediated shocks in BNS mergers and SNe 3
R. Imazawa MAGIC observation of BL Lacertae flaring period in 2020 3
T. Kawashima High energy neutrino emission from a radiatively inefficient accretion flow based on a GRMHD simulation 3
G. Mattia Resistive relativistic MHD simulations of astrophysical jets 3
D. Ribeiro The high-energy gamma-ray spectra of TeV blazars 3
A. Rosales de Leon Feasibility studies on the search of Lorentz invariance violation signatures from relativistic jets with the Cherenkov Telescope Array 3
A. Sciaccaluga Modelling and fitting of Extreme TeV Bl Lacs 3
A. K. Talluri Investigating the Quiescent State and the December 2022-January 2023 Flare of NGC 1275 with VERITAS and Multi-wavelength Observations 3
P. Thevenet Characteristics of blazar flares in the one-zone SSC model 3
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